| 2024 Road and Utility Improvements
2024 Road and Utility Improvements

PROPOSALS DUE: July 31, 2024


Owner:             Midway City Corporation


Address:  100 West 75 North, Midway, Utah 84049


SEALED BIDS for the Construction of the 2024 Road and Utility Improvements will be received by Midway City at 100 West 75 North, Midway, Utah until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 31, 2024 and then publicly opened and read aloud. A pre-bid meeting will be held at city hall at 2:00 p.m. on July 17th 2024 Recommendation for award will be presented to the Midway City Council at the next scheduled meeting.




Bid Alternate A – Burgi Hill Park Project Includes:

  • Replace approximately 938 lineal feet of existing sewer line with new 10” PVC SDR-35 Sewer Line and 7 existing manholes.
  • Install approximately 728 lineal feet of new 10” PVC SDR-35 sewer line, replacement of 8 existing manholes, and installation of 5 new manholes.
  • Connect to existing sewer line.
  • Replace existing asphalt trail adjacent to sewer line alignment.

Bid Alternate B – Farm Road Project Includes:

  • Replace approximately 1,138 lineal feet of existing waterline with 8” PVC C900 DR-18 waterline.
  • Install approximately 12 lineal feet of 6” PVC C900 DR-18 waterline.
  • Replace approximately 1,128 lineal feet of 8” sewer line with new 8” SDR-35 sewer line.
  • Replace 13 sewer service lines, to extend 10’ beyond edge of pavement.
  • Replace 13 water service lines, including meter and yoke.
  • Replace 3 existing manholes.
  • Replacement of 2 existing fire hydrants, and installation of 1 new fire hydrant at the end of Farm Road.
  • Connect to existing water and sewer lines.
  • Replace approximately 37,307 square feet of asphalt road.


Bid Alternate C – 200 East Project Includes:

  • Install approximately 366 lineal feet of 8” PVC C900 DR-18 waterline.
  • Install approximately 10 lineal feet of 6” PVC C900 DR-18 waterline.
  • Install 3 water service lines per plans, including meter and yoke.
  • Install 1 fire hydrant at end of waterline.
  • Install 302 lineal feet of 8” PVC SDR-35 sewer line.
  • Install 1 sewer manhole.
  • Connect to existing sewer and water lines.

The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, consisting of Request for Bids, Information for Bidders, Information Required of Bidder, Status Verification System Affidavit, Measurements and Payments, Certificate of Non-Collusion, Bid, Bid Bond, Agreement, Payment Bond, Performance Bond, Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, Change Order, General Conditions, Special Provisions, Specifications, Drawings, and Addenda, may be examined at the following locations:


Ardurra Group, 2175 West 3000 South, Heber City, Utah 84032


Bidding Documents are available for download and review on or before July 8, 2024. Prospective Bidders must purchase contract documents through Quest Construction Data Network.  This can be done via www.QuestCDN.com.  QuestCDN is a web-based platform for construction, requests and Goods and Services advertisements, bid document distribution, plan holder lists and all information pertaining to the bid.  Prospective bidders should register at www.QuestCDN.com for a free membership.  Enter the Quest Number “9206303” to access the bidding information on the search page.  There is a $22 nonrefundable download delivery fee for the bidding documents.  Bids will not be accepted from any prospective bidder who has not purchased contract documents through QuestCDN.  Contact QuestCDN Client Success 952-233-1632 or Success@QuestCDN.com for assistance in membership registration and downloading digital bidding documents. Midway City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any informalities if deemed in the best interest of the Owner. No bid may be considered unless accompanied by a bid guarantee of 5% of the total bid amount, which shall be forfeited if the bidder is awarded the Contract and fails to enter into a Contract with the Owner. You may contact Wes Johnson at Midway City with any questions.




2:00 p.m, Thursday, July 17th, 2024 at Midway City Office, 75 North 100 West, Midway City, Utah 84049.



  1. Bid forms provided. (Sections 00200, 00300, and 00355)
  2. Cashier or Certified check or bid bond made payable to Midway City Corporation in an amount equal to at least five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. Bid bonds must be underwritten by a Surety Company approved by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. (Circular 570, latest edition).




If all required documents are not provided, the bid may be disqualified.


Midway City Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part of any proposal, including the right to waive any informality in any part of any proposal within the best interest of Midway City.


Date: June 2024                                               Celeste Johnson

| 2024 Road-Trail Surface Treatments
2024 Road-Trail Surface Treatments

PROPOSALS DUE: August 14, 2024

Address: 100 West 75 North, Midway, Utah 84049
SEALED BIDS for the Construction of the 2024 Road-Trail Surface Treatments will be received by
Midway City at 100 West 75 North, Midway, Utah until 2:00PM Wednesday August 14th , and then
publicly opened and read aloud. Recommendation for award will be presented to the Midway City
Council at the next scheduled meeting.
• Roadway crack seal, spot repair, and slurry sealing for various roads throughout Midway, Charlston, and Daniel.
Work is anticipated to include 4,500 square feet of spot repair 30 tons of crack seal and approximately 750,000
square feet of slurry seal.
The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, consisting of Request for Bids, Information for Bidders, Information
Required of Bidder, Status Verification System Affidavit, Measurements and Payments, Certificate of Non-
Collusion, Bid, Bid Bond, Agreement, Payment Bond, Performance Bond, Notice of Award, Notice to
Proceed, Change Order, General Conditions, Special Provisions, Specifications, Drawings, and Addenda,
may be examined electronically upon request at: rtaylor@ardurra.com, 435-503-4123.
Date of availability is Monday July 22th 2024.
No pre-bid meeting has been scheduled for this project
1. Bid forms provided. (Sections 00200, 00300, and 00355)
2. Cashier or Certified check or bid bond made payable to Midway City Corporation in an
amount equal to at least five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. Bid bonds must
be underwritten by a Surety Company approved by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
(Circular 570, latest edition).
If all required documents are not provided, the bid may be disqualified.
Midway City Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part of any
proposal, including the right to waive any informality in any part of any proposal within the best interest of
Midway City.
Date: July 22, 2024 Celeste T. Johnson

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