Building Permits & Inspections

Community Development

So you’re considering building in Midway City…Congratulations!

Midway City now requires electronic submittal for all permits and inspection requests. Don’t worry though, we are here to help walk you through the process if you need us. Below are checklists for your information and forms you will need to complete. Make sure to completely fill out the forms or they will be returned to you prior to us accepting your submissions.

Please note: A plan review deposit receipt is required to be uploaded prior to submittal for review.

  • Plan review deposits for new homes are $1050.25
  • Plan review deposits for additions, alterations, remodels, and some repairs are $100
Permit Info

Permit Information

Site Disturbance And Solar Permits

Midway City design criteria & Snow Loads

Request New Gas Meter & Insulation and Climate Requirements

Energy compliance documents also need to be completed.

Zoning Submittal Checklist & Elevation Certificate

Multiple Final Completion Information & Building Permit Impact Fees

Contractors building 5 or more homes at any one time within Midway City have the option of putting $7,500.00 on deposit with the city, equal to the amount of 5 Final Completion Deposits so that we will not have to keep trading checks. If you end up relinquishing monies from that account, it will need to be replenished.

Owner/Builder Certification and Agreement to Comply with the Construction Trades Licensing Act & Acknowledgment of Responsibility

New Home Inspection


What do we look for at the major inspections?  Here are a couple of checklists of most common items:

Building Inspection Information Checklist

Code Requirements

Construction work within the city of midway

City ordinances limit construction work to between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:00 pm Monday through Saturday, and 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Sundays. This includes all exterior construction, excavation, and delivery of supplies and concrete. Interior work and special conditions may be allowed. A full copy of of the ordinance is posted in the Midway city offices.

What is an inspection?

A building inspection is the way that the city ensures that new and remodeled building are constructed according to the building codes, and to the approved plans.

when is an inspection needed?

Any work which requires a permit will require inspections. When a permit is issued, a Building Permit card will be issued. This card must be available on the job site for all inspections.

An inspection request can be made by calling (435) 654-7441. The site set of city-approved plans must also be available on site for each inspection, as well as the previous inspection report for any reinspections. Inspections are performed anywhere between 8:00am-5:00pm as light permits. Inspections scheduled must be ready by 8:00 am. The property must be identified with lot number or address posted for us to find it.

How can an inspection be arranged?

An inspection request can be made by calling Midway City at (435) 654-7441 between the hours of 8:00 am – 4:00 pm at least one day before the required inspection. During the busiest times of the year, next-day inspections may not be available. When calling to request an inspection, please have the following information available:

  • The building permit number
  • Type of inspection required


Midway’s reinspection is $50. The first reinspection for a project is at no charge, after which reinspection fees will be assessed. Reinspection fees are assessed for the following reasong:

  • The approved site set of the permit packet is not on site
  • Inspection was called before all the corrections have been made
  • Inspection is not ready and has not been cancelled
  • Structure is locked or inaccessible

The contractor or owner is responsible to make the site accessible for the inspector. This means any ladders to access all areas of the building.

What Required Inspections Include

  1. Temporary power: This is an inspection of the temporary power pedesta for construction power. Usually done prior to the footing inspection.
  2. Footing: This inspection is done after the placement of the footing forms and all necessary rebar, but before any concrete is poured. Setbacks are measured at this time, and the UFER location is documented.
  3. Foundation: This inspection is performed after foundation forms and reinforcing steel are in place, but prior to pouring any concrete. Any hold downs or special anchors must be on site.
  4. Underground: This inspection is performed after underground plumbing, electrical and mechanical have been installed. The underground plumbing test will be observed at this inspection.
  5. Crawl-space foundations required a floor framing inspection prior to the installation of the floor sheathing
  6. If the floor is to be dropped, the anchor bolts require inspection prior to covering.
  7. Share and Structural: This inspection is made after the plywood roof sheathing has been installed and nailed, and all structural requirements from engineering have been completed. Items checked are shear nailing, holddowns, anchor bolts, floor joists, trusses, beams, headers, posts as well as all hardware connections. All points of bearing are also checked. The approved site set of the permit packet must be on site for this inspection.
  8. Rough-ins or 4-way: is required when the roof covering is installed, exterior doors and windows are installed and any necessary framing repairs are done, as well as all electrical, plumbing and heating systems installed and the shear inspection has been approved.
  9. Gasoline: This inspection can be done separately or at the 4-way. If it is needed at the same time as the 4-way, you must order it then.
  10. Weather Barrier/Flashing: This inspection can be performed as soon as after the shear inspection has been passed. The weather-resistive barrier on the structure and all flashing will be inspected. This is a state-required inspection. This might also be done at the time of the stucco or stone lath inspection
  11. Insulation: The Res-check needs to be on site for this inspection, where insulation values for areas to be covered by finish materials is checked. The blown-in and unfinished basement insulation values are checked at final.
  12. Lath: Exterior lath for one-coat stucco system or masonry is inspected per listings of the system. ES listing report is to be on site for this inspection
  13. Fire-resistive rated wallboard inspection. The fire wallboard inspection is prior to any taping and mudding.
  14. Permanent Power: This is required before Heber Light and Power will set the meter on the building. We look at both main and sub panels, which are to be made up with the covers off, UFER ground, water ground or bond, and the meter base outside.
  15. Final: This last inspection will occur when all fixtures are in place and the building is ready for occupancy. All exterior grading and installation of any retaining walls required due to exterior ground slope are required to be completed.

Shear and Structural Inspection Checklist

  1. All approved plans and engineering on site
  2. Truss specs on site
  3. All exterior nailing/shear nailing correct
  4. All holddowns installed
  5. All holddowns properly placed
  6. Strapping per engineering in place
  7. Block all horizontal edges in shear panels
  8. All anchor bolts installed, with correct spacing and size, all washers 3″ x 3″ x .229″, with nuts on and tight
  9. All floor joists per engineering
  10. All openings in exterior size and placement per engineering
  11. All concrete true and straight
  12. Floor sheathing per code
  13. Floor sheathing nailing per code
  14. All nailing per code
  15. All beams installed per engineering
  16. All headers installed per engineering
  17. Header/king stud nailing per code
  18. Breaks in double top plate strapped
  19. All posts/columns installed per engineering
  20. All beams correctly attached/strapped
  21. Full bearing under all point loads
  22. All point loads taken to foundation – especially in floor joist area
  23. Stair rise/run appears to meet code
  24. Stair head room provided
  25. Blocking in joist area of bearing walls
  26. Blocking at cantilevers
  27. Roof joists per engineering
  28. Roof trusses per truss specs
  29. All truss mechanical connectors per specs/engineering
  30. All truss hold downs installed and uplift resistance correct
  31. All girder truss connections per truss specs
  32. Any bearing enhancers installed on trusses
  33. No broken trusses or fix on site and complete
  34. Roof boundary connection/nailing complete
  35. Roof sheathing per engineering
  36. Roof sheathing nailing per engineering/code
  37. Weather barrier installed for porch cap

Residential Final Inspection Checklist

Note, this is not a complete list of all code requirements, just the most common violations.

  1. Address posted
  2. Water meter installed & in correct location
  3. Sidewalk, curb & gutter cleaned off for inspection
  4. All construction debris cleaned off lot (and any adjoining property)
  5. Final grade slopes away from house and 6 inches down in first 10 feet, while not allowing runoff onto adjoining property
  6. Building plumbing drain clean-out in place, property capped
  7. All exterior surfaces completed to code
  8. Guards installed on all raised surfaces greater than 30 inches to grade
  9. Rise and run of steps meet code
  10. Handrails installed 34 to 38 inches above nose of steps where required, and at where there are 4 or more risers
  11. Exterior GFCI outlets, one in front and one in rear, within 6.5 inches of grade
  12. UV-resistant bubble covers on exterior outlets where not protected by porch roof
  13. Christmas lighting outlets outside on GFCI
  14. Exterior wall-mounted light fixtures caulked/gasketed top and sides
  15. Stucco installation certificate provided/completed if applicable
  16. AC condenser breaker min./max. correct
  17. GFCI outlet within 25 feet of exterior equipment requiring service
  18. Main electrical disconnect height max 6 feet
  19. All exterior penetrations caulked
  20. All exterior wood treated, naturally decay-resistant, or painted/sealed
  21. Landing at exterior side of all doors
  22. Light switches at all exterior doors to a light outside and a light inside
  23. Exterior gas pipe painted/corrosion protected
  24. Gas meter protected from falling ice/snow
  25. Exterior dryer vent cover installed
  26. Combustion air vent with 0.25 inch mesh installed
  27. underside of all cantilevers finished properly
  28. One 3 inch plumbing vent through roof, all others min. 2 inches
  29. B-vent height/placement above roof
  30. PVC heat exhaust above snow levels
  31. Attic ventilation adequate
  32. Grates/guards for window wells within 3 feet of walking surface
  33. Driveway slope max 15%
  34. All garage outlets GFCI protected
  35. Garage floor slopes out to driveway
  36. Garage attic access latched if in garage
  37. Garage attic access in house gasketed and insulated
  38. All approved plans and permit card provided
  39. All previous inspections passed
  40. Switched light or outlet into each room and working properly
  41. Outlets placed per code, working and properly wired
  42. All plumbing working, hot on the left, no leaks
  43. Dishwasher drain has high loop
  44. Dishwasher secured in place
  45. Stove anti-tip bracket in place and working
  46. Stove operates properly
  47. Correct outlet placement along counters/island/peninsula
  48. Disposer cord between 18 and 36 inches
  49. Toilets caulked to floor front and sides
  50. All outlets in bathrooms GFCI protected
  51. Tempered glazing in bathrooms where required
  52. Bath moisture-exhaust fans placed where tub/shower and working properly, or operable window, minimum 1.5 square feet of net opening
  53. Tempered glazing within 2 feet of all door swings
  54. Tempered glazing at stairs and landings and where otherwise required by code
  55. Stair rise and run meet code
  56. Handrails meet code, height, clearance, and cross-section
  57. Stairway headroom meets code
  58. Landing at top and bottom of all stairs
  59. Lighting at all stairways per code switched at top and bottom
  60. Bedroom egress meets code
  61. Closet lights meet code
  62. Carbon monoxide/smoke detectors where required and working properly
  63. Gas fireplaces operational
  64. Insulation complete and insulation certificate provided
  65. Ducts in attic insulated per energy compliance
  66. Door between conditioned and unconditioned areas gasketed with sweep
  67. Unfinished basement insulation per energy compliance
  68. Electric panelbox completely and correctly labelled, smoke detectors identified
  69. Bedrooms all on AFCI breakers
  70. Bathrooms outlets on 20 amp circuits
  71. Panelbox clearance to code
  72. UFER permanently accessible
  73. Water shut-off permanently accessible
  74. Water manifold completely and properly labeled
  75. Gas manifold completely and properly labeled
  76. B-vent clearance/sizing correct
  77. B-vent max horizontal not more than 1 foot for 1.5 x diameter
  78. Heater operational with proper clearances
  79. Heater instructions provided at the heater
  80. Expansion device for water heater installed
  81. Expansion tank properly supported
  82. GFCI outlets in unfinished basement
  83. Egress from basement (min. 3 feet by 3 feet floor of window wells, permanent ladder in place)
  84. Exit from window wells minimum 36 inches height all areas
  85. Sheetrock complete under all stairs
  86. Mechanical rooms with combustion air properly insulated, walls, ceilings, ducts, with tight-fitting doors with gaskets and sweep, all ducts insulated

These will also be attached to every new home permit.

Midway has an addendum with some of the basic code requirements:

Permit Requirements

Building Permit Requirements

Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit.

Exemption from permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.

To quote the code, permits shall not be required for the following:

You will not need a building permit if your project falls under any of the criteria below:

Building Permit Exemptions

  1. One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet (18.58 m2). (Floor area is measured to outside of foundation wall or outside of exterior framed wall, not inside of wall.)
  2. Fences not over 7 feet (2134 mm) high.
  3. Retaining walls that are not over 4 feet (1219 mm) in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge.
  4. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons (18 927 L) and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed 2 to 1.
  5. Sidewalks and driveways.
  6. Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, countertops, and similar finish work.
  7. Prefabricated swimming pools that are less than 24 inches (610 mm) deep.
  8. Swings and other playground equipment.
  9. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall which do not project more than 54 inches (1372 mm) from the exterior wall and do not require additional support.
  10. Decks not exceeding 200 square feet (18.58 m2) in area, that are not more than 30 inches (762 mm) above grade at any point, are not attached to a dwelling, and do not serve the required exit door.


  • Listed cord-and-plug connected temporary decorative lighting.
  • Reinstallation of attachment plug receptacles but not the outlets therefor.
  • Replacement of branch circuit overcurrent devices of the required capacity in the same location.
  • Electrical wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus, or equipment operating at less than 25 volts and not capable of supplying more than 50 watts of energy.
  • Minor repair work, including the replacement of lamps or the connection of approved portable electrical equipment to approved permanently installed receptacles.


  • Portable heating, cooking, or clothes drying appliances.
  • Replacement of any minor part that does not alter approval of equipment or make such equipment unsafe.
  • Portable fuel-cell appliances that are not connected to a fixed piping system and are not interconnected to a power grid.


  • Portable heating appliances.
  • Portable ventilation appliances.
  • Portable cooling units.
  • Steam, hot- or chilled-water piping within any heating or cooling equipment regulated by this code.
  • Replacement of any minor part that does not alter approval of equipment  or make such equipment unsafe.
  • Portable evaporative coolers.
  • Self-contained refrigeration systems containing 10 pounds (4.54 kg) or less of refrigerant or that are actuated by motors of 1 horsepower (746 W) or less.
  • Portable-fuel-cell appliances that are not connected to a fixed piping system and are not interconnected to a power grid.


The stopping of leaks in drains, water, soil, waste, or vent pipe; provided, however, that if any concealed trap, drainpipe, water, soil, waste, or vent pipe becomes defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with new material, such work shall be considered as new work and a permit shall be obtained and inspection made as provided in this code.

The clearing of stoppages or the repairing of leaks in pipes, valves, or fixtures, and the removal and reinstallation of water closets, provided such repairs do not involve or require the replacement or rearrangement of valves, pipes, or fixtures.

Emergency repairs

Where equipment replacements and repairs must be performed in an emergency situation, the permit application shall be submitted within the next working business day to the building official.R105.2.2 Repairs.

Application or notice to the building official is not required for ordinary repairs to structures, replacement of lamps, or the connection of approved portable electrical equipment to approved permanently installed receptacles. Such repairs shall not include the cutting away of any wall, partition, or portion thereof, the removal or cutting of any structural beam or load-bearing support, or the removal or change of any required means of egress, or rearrangement of parts of a structure affecting the egress requirements; nor shall ordinary repairs include an addition to, alteration of, replacement or relocation of any water supply, sewer, drainage, drain leader, gas, soil, waste, vent or similar piping, electric wiring or mechanical or other work affecting public health or general safety

Public service agencies

A permit shall not be required for the installation, alteration, or repair of generation, transmission, distribution, metering, or other related equipment that is under the ownership and control of public service agencies by established right.

Additional Fee Information

Midway City requires a permit but no fees are required for the following: reroofing, recovering a roof, modifying an existing gas line, installation of a new water heater, installation of a new furnace, basement finish, and electrical meter upgrade, relocation, or repair.  A permit and fee of $50.51 is required for a temporary power (ex. construction trailer) permit.

Code Info

Helpful Code Information

Here are some bits of helpful code information:

Historic Permit Info

Historic Information From 1993-2018


  • 2000: 50 Issued; 78 Total
  • 1999: 77 Issued
  • 1998: 50 Issued
  • 1997: 17 Issued
  • 1996: 50 Issued
  • 1995: 67 Issued
  • 1994: 63 Issued
  • 1993: 45 Issued


  • 2010: 11 Applicants; 11 Issued; 128 Total
  • 2009: 11 Applications; 9 Issued; 100 Total
  • 2008: 20 Applications; 14 Issued; 122 Total
  • 2007: 107 Applications; 97 Issued; 223 Total
  • 2006: 197 Applications; 149 Issued; 357 Total
  • 2005: 264 Applications; 246 Issued; 332 Total
  • 2004: 99 Applications; 95 Issued; 131 Total
  • 2003: 61 Issued; 105 Total
  • 2002: 48 Issued; 87 Total
  • 2001: 24 Issued; 60 Total


  • 2018: 59 Applications; 46 Issued; 205 Total
  • 2017: 75 Applications; 72 Issued; 233 Total
  • 2016: 85 Applications; 91 Issued; 256 Total
  • 2015: 123 Applications; 100 Issued; 247 Total
  • 2014: 70 Applications; 68 Issued; 176 Total
  • 2013: 86 Applications; 85 Issued; 176 Total
  • 2012: 42 Applications; 40 Issued; 124 Total
  • 2011: 22 Applicants; 22 Issued; 128 Total

Contact Us

Collette Peterson

Building Permit Tech

Tex Couch

Building Offical

More Info

Physical Address

75 North 100 West Midway City, UT 84049

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 7:30am to 5:30pm